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Squirt House Roster Photo

Tournaments and Key Dates

  • Fremont Fall Freeze (Oct. 25-27)
  • Winter Classic (Dec. 6-8)
  • Black/White Intersquad Games (Dec. 17 and Jan. 28)
  • League Games (Nov. 1 - Feb. 16)
  • 5th Annual 3v3 Night (Week of Feb. 17)
  • Joust League Tournament (Feb. 21-23)

Squirt Rosters

Read the schedule carefully! If you see "BLACK" or "WHITE" that is a BLACK or WHITE rostered game.

Team Information

Regular Times

Practice: Tuesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m.

Adjustments may be made due to schedules and or ice availability. View Calendar for most up-to-date schedules.

Key Dates

First Week of Practice: Oct. 1
Parent Meeting: Oct. 8 (6:30 p.m.)
First Payment: Oct. 15
Final Practice: Feb. 19
Final Games: Feb. 21-23

Jason Buzzell

House Coordinator

Recent 10u Squirt Black/White (House) News